How we helped Doobi to design a personalized laundry service


Our collaboration with the Doobi team commenced at the onset of product development. Starting from ideation and value proposition, we conducted market research, crafted user flows, designed a mobile app, defined customer communication strategies, and built a marketing website— all from the ground up.


iOS App design
Responsive web design
Webflow development
Design system
Marketing website design
MVP Design




3 months

Four mobile screens
Clients feedback

Emad Kooheji
CEO at Doobi

Their team was constantly challenging themselves and my team to arrive at the best solution. They took full responsibility for the project, and every credit for its resulting success belongs to them.

Client's avatar
Emad Kooheji
CEO at Doobi

Easy and fast ordering flow

The Doobi app is crafted to provide customers with a convenient and straightforward way to order laundry services. When designing the app, our primary focus was on optimizing the ordering flow. Taking into account customer types and the services they ordered, our team created distinct paths to ensure we covered all possible use cases.

Three mobile screens with few interface blocks
One mobile screen

Laundry service by subscription

The service gives customers an option to handle laundry for the entire family as a subscription. We’ve created a unique experience that makes this process simple, straightforward, and customizable.
Users can set up a number of pickups, pause the subscription, and manage it.

Three mobile screens
One mobile screen

Order tracking experience

Doobi guides users through every stage of their order – from placing it, tracking pick-up, and the washing process, to delivery and rating.

Mobile interfaces

Registration and onboarding

Mobile interfaces

Design system and documentation

A strong design system and clear documentation are essential for effective development and hand-off. Doobi is no exception—having a streamlined design system is a must.

80+ Components60 Icons8px Grid System
Design system

Feature mapping and user research

After mapping out the functionality of our existing product, we conducted user research and consulted with customers to better understand their needs. When redesigning a complex product with many users, it's important that we explore real problems (and not just make things pretty).

Web interfaces

Marketing support

We also took care of Doobi’s email communications and App Store app previews.

Marketing materials
Mobile interfaceMobile interface

From startup idea to full-scale service business

We are proud to see all the achievements of an amazing Doobi team. We helped them turn a well-executed startup idea into one of the best laundry services in Bahrain.


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